Tuesday, June 1, 2010

9 Months

The kids are doing very well. Oliva's reflux has been better, thank god. I really hope this is the upswing and not just a luck couple weeks. I believe it is an upswing because we all caught what is hopefully our last cold and Olivia handled it like a champ with minimal reflux when it usually increases. I have stopped babying her some and I'm pushing her a little harder on physical therapy than I use to do. After much work she can now sit up semi-straight in a bumbo seat! Caden started saying a clear, "Da Da" knowing its meaning. And Logan is inch worm crawling! We started feeding them solids a 3rd time a day which im not sure about. Having them early you never know when to give them what. Half the doctors push you to catch them up to their actual age and the other half tell you, you have to treat them like their adjusted age. We still have no teeth which blows my mind, I mean, how long can a baby actually teeth? I'm about to call a dentist because I've heard some babies need their gums lanced. But all 3 of them? Olivia is STILL on Oxygen but only in the combination of being asleep and sitting at an angle (for reflux). Maybe its a diaphram issue, not enough strength to expand when her upper body weight is on it? Hope everyone has a good June, thanks for your time :)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Olivia Had Progress!

I appriciate everyones thoughts and prayers. Olivia is now rolling from back to belly and tolerating tummy time more, which is huge! She has been very happy lately and giving lots of raspberrys. The doctor raised her Diuril dose yesterday so maybe we will be able to kick the oxygen soon! Logan has started a new high pitch scream that normally would be annoying but we are just happy that he is happy so its great. Caden started saying, "Ba ba ba ba" just for the sound, not for his bottle. Hopefully we can turn it into Mama. We did get the Easter photo CD finally but we do not have any edited pictures yet. They are all self entertaining more which is the biggest help. Hopefully soon they can start taking more trips. Thanks for your time :)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Please Say A Prayer For Olivia

We are seeing alot of progress in the boys. This week they both learned how to hold their bottles for entire feedings and for once it wasn't difficult to teach them something. But Olivia hasn't seen much progress other than head stability in months. She still needs oxygen when she sleeps and still has major voiting and reflux issues. The reflux has been torture for her so if anyone out there can say a little prayer for progress for her it will be very appriciated. It's hard to see her go through this, although I realize it could be worse. On a lighter note Olivia is 15 lbs, Logan is 18lbs and Caden is 22lbs. Thanks for your prayers and time. e

Friday, May 7, 2010

How Photo Shoots Really Go

Photo shoots never go well. Although we get some pretty cute pictures, if I do say so myself, it takes alot entertainment for them to look at the camera AND smile.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

April Was A Hard Month-8 Months Old

This has been a hard month for me. It started great with a fun late Easter but then someone caught a cold and spread it. Having everyone sick, as everyone especially all the parents of babies who have been on the vent in the past know, is the worst. Logan just cries a sad cry and wants to be held and cuddle the whole time which makes you soft and is very cute but its hard with 3. Caden never learned a real cough and does a cough/scream hybrid to clear his throat. Olivia suffers more than anyone though. Since she has reflux any little thing can trigger it and having a cold makes her vomit almost every meal. Her oxygen need only went up a little thank god, but since she is only on it when she sleeps, she hates it on now. Anytime it is on, her only goal is to pull it out of her nose making our nights hard. We try to give her air and she pulls it out, we try to give her food and she vomits it, we try to give her medicine and she spits it out...,"Help me help you!" We are finally over the cold now but there is a layover of habbits. Logan still wants to be held all day and Olivia is still vomiting. I decreased her feed by 1/2 ounce and burped her more often yesterday to try to break the habbit and she only vometed once all day, wish her luck for today. I was waiting to post my next blog to share out Easter photos, but our photographer can't seem to get time.(Family friend=conflict of interest) She does have her work cut out for her though, she is taking the wet spots out of the boys shirts. The had their dress shirts soaked in less than 2 minutes much like all of their outfits. Still teething >< id="SPELLING_ERROR_0" class="blsp-spelling-error">suprisingly well. The kids are learning new things; Logan is starting to like to sit in his feeding chair and play with toys(life saver). Logan is also rolling from his back to his tummy yet somehow forgot how to roll from his tummy to his back which he learned in December lol. Caden is walking when we hold his hands above his head. (Don't tell the therapists! Walk before crawl=bad!) Both boys are pivoting their hips when on their tummy so crawling may be just around the corner. Olivia's head is getting better since we bought the new reflux wedge, her core/neck muscles are getting alot better and I'm pretty sure she said,"dad" yesterday. I don't log it until they do it more than once though :/ Besides all the hard times this month I believe my wife and I are closer than ever and life is good :) Thanks for your time.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Meet Baby C

Caden Wood

Caden was born 2 lbs. 5 oz. and 14.5 inches. I use to call him Kung Fu Caden because during the ultra-sounds he would do what appeared similar to martial arts. He was obviously fighting for room and now that he has it he is the largest of the three. He is very demanding of attention and once he has it he is very cute. He will squish out his double chin, smile and gurgle. He is by far the loudest and he loves his own vo
ice. He has an amazing ability to stand with very little support which he has been doing since January, although the therapists say we shouldn't condone this because its skipping steps. I love that he does the "daddy spaz". Sometimes I just spaz out in a hyper manner because it makes them laugh, I couldn't believe when I saw Caden doing this, its really cute. Caden has grown a "fade" haircut which looks exactly like mine. Our doctor even grilled us about cutting his hair with clippers lol. It makes you feel very warm when his big chubby cheeks rise up to a smile. Thanks for your time.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Meet Baby B

Logan Wood
Logan was born 2lbs. 10oz. and 14 inches long. Logan is like Nermal off of Garfield. When we had our first ultra-sounds done baby B was the only one who would not only cooperate, but seemingly pose for the pictures. He is still a great picture kid to this day. He has a great attitude and is pretty easy to make smile, but makes you feel rewarded when you get that smile. He is constantly looking around the absorbing everything that is going on, even if there is a bottle in his mouth ><. Every morning when I wake him he greets me with a, "Hi! :)" I hope its me anyway, tonight when he was put to bed he said, "hi" to his mobile. When he was born I was more worried about him than the other two based on looks alone. He did not have major problems thank god and turned out to be a complete heart throb! Thanks for your time.