Friday, May 21, 2010

Olivia Had Progress!

I appriciate everyones thoughts and prayers. Olivia is now rolling from back to belly and tolerating tummy time more, which is huge! She has been very happy lately and giving lots of raspberrys. The doctor raised her Diuril dose yesterday so maybe we will be able to kick the oxygen soon! Logan has started a new high pitch scream that normally would be annoying but we are just happy that he is happy so its great. Caden started saying, "Ba ba ba ba" just for the sound, not for his bottle. Hopefully we can turn it into Mama. We did get the Easter photo CD finally but we do not have any edited pictures yet. They are all self entertaining more which is the biggest help. Hopefully soon they can start taking more trips. Thanks for your time :)


  1. Wonderful news! The Lord has sure blessed you and your family! Horrah for Olivia!
    And isn't it wonderful when they start talking and making sounds? There will be a day when you WISH they would shut up but you will have the added blessing of knowing how scarey it was when they COULDN'T speak!

  2. They are all so beautiful! If you ever need to talk about the 02 issues please feel free to email me. I'd love to help in any way I can.

