Olivia Wood
Olivia was baby A. She was born 2 lbs. 1 oz. and was 14 inches long. She has had an onslaught of medical problems but somehow is our happiest baby. Just make eye contact with her and you will see a smile that can light up the room. I noticed at a very young age that she had a remarkable ability to moch. She started sticking her tongue out when I would when she was in the NICU which nearly brought me to tears because we had fears of serious medical issues. One morning in early December I woke up to see her stairing at me. I waved at her the kind of open and close grasp baby wave and to my suprise she did it right back. I jumped up and said,"no way.." outloud. She has been doing it ever since. Her hand eye cordination is outstanding. We believe this to be because she had practice grabing her tubes and extubating herself frequently in the NICU. It has been pretty challenging keeping her nasal canula in due to this. She was the first to find her voice back in January and has been toying with it cutely ever since. With gods help all of her major medical conditions will be gone at around a year old. She is almost off of oxygen now and reflux is supposed to be outgrown on average of one years old. Its hard to believe that she can have a very serious reflux episode then moments later when she is still watery eyed and discolored look up to see you and smile ear to ear. She is a true angel. Thanks for your time.
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